and Herzegovina homepage This year
is the 10th anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre in Bosnia
(July 11-16, 1995). See www.srebrenica2005.com
Conference: "Genocide
Against Bosniaks in the U.N. Safe Area Srebrenica, July 1995" Location:
Sarajevo and Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina Date: July 10-14, 2005 . www.inzl.unsa.ba
for papers: "The First Genocide in Europe in the 20th Century:
The Armenian Genocide - Facts and Future Implications," May 18-19, 2005, Copenhagen
European Network of Genocide Scholars [ENoGS enogs.org]: Foundational Meeting, Berlin, January 13-15, 2005 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt www.hkw.de The 100th anniversary of the genocide in former German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) is an appropriate occasion for the foundation of an “European Network of Genocide Scholars” during the international conference, "Genocides: Forms, Causes, Consequences. The Namibian War (1904-1908) in Historical Perspective.” (For more details see www.hist.net/ag-genozid/namibianwar ) A webpage and a discussion-list as a forum for academic announcements and discussions are planned, as well as the publication of a journal or a yearbook. Please do not hesitate to ask for further information: Contact Dr. Juergen Zimmerer juergenzimmerer@freenet.de |
Izbrisani in Slovenia On April 4, 2004 voters in a non-binding referendum upheld the 12-year-old policy creating 'erased residents' (izbrisani) in Slovenia. In 1992, eight month after declaring independence from Yugoslavia, the government of Slovenia deleted some 30,000 persons from civil registries. Some call this policy 'administrative ethnic cleansing' or 'soft genocide.' |
Chechnya and Russia (former USSR): February 23, 2004 marked the 60th anniversary of Chechen-Ingush Deportation Day On this day in 1944 NKVD internal security troops in the USSR deported 387,000 Chechens and 91,000 Ingushis, the total population, from their homeland in Soviet Caucasus region to Central Asia. Stalin's NKVD perpetrators used the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Soviet "Red Army Day" to deceive the Chechens into assembling for deportation from Chechnya. Dictator Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) conducted other genocidal deportations during World War II as collective punishment against the Balkars, Crimean Tatars, Ingushi, Karachai, Kalmyks, Meshhetians and the Volga Germans. Prior to the German invasion he also conducted large-scale deportations of Koreans, Poles, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians. In 1956 in his speech denouncing Stalin, successor Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) denounced some, but not all, of Stalin's mass deportations. At that time many Chechens were allowed to return to their homeland. Many Chechen leaders today were born and raised during the years of exile. |
"A serious potential for the eruption of mass violence."
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Committee on Conscience has placed
Chechnya on "watch" status, indicating that "circumstances indicate a serious
potential for the eruption of mass violence. "Watch"
status constitutes the first level of three "graduated categories of urgency."
The Committee's concern stems from: 1) Past persecution of Chechens as a people,
2) The demonization of Chechens as a group within Russian society, 3) The level
of violence directed against Chechen civilians by Russian forces. Details are
available at http://www.ushmm.org/conscience/chechnya/chechnya.htm |
Genocide studies programs in Europe:
For more details see Links for Genocide Research and Education |
Genocide in the Penal Codes of 35 European States and 70 States around the world |
Laws Against Genocide and Holocaust Denial in 7 nations: Institute for Jewish Policy Research (UK) Summary of features- See Appendix B: Austria, Law no. 148, 1992; Belgium la loi anti-négationiste, 1995; France la loi Gayssot, 1990; Germany, Article 194, 1985 and Article 130, 1994; Israel, Prohibition Law no. 118, 1986; Spain, Section 607, 1996; Switzerland, Article 261 bis 1996 |