What's New ? - Recent Additions 2004
21 Dec 2004 Global News Monitor for DEC 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.December 12 Remember the 1937 Nanjing Massacre December 13, 2004 is the 67th anniversary of the beginning of the Nanjing Massacre ( "The Rape of Nanking"), the start of a 6 week long genocidal massacre and mass rape by the Japanese Imperial Army in the Chinese capital city. Similar massacres occurred throughout this campaign, before and after December 13. As many as 300,000 civilians were murdered; an estimated 20,000-80,000 women were raped, most later murdered. See 60th Anniversary , Nanking Atrocities, "No More Nanjing" Association, Tokyo and Global Alliance to Preserve the History of WWII in Asia Remember this day in memory of author Iris Chang (1968 2004) and survivor advocate Li Xiuying (1918-2004). Chang, who died on November 9, wrote the 1997 book The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II translated into 13 languages. Xiuying, who died on December 4, challenged a Japanese denier and his publisher in court in 1999 after he called her a "false witness." On April 10, 2003 the Supreme Court in Tokyo directed the defendant to issue a public apology and pay 12 million Japanese yen to Xiuying for damage to her reputation.7 Dec 2004 The word "genocide" translated or defined in 80 languages Assyrian, Kurdish, and Wolof entries added. Korean and Ukrainian entries expanded.1 Dec 2004 - Genocide Convention Day. On Dec. 9, 1948 the Genocide Convention was unanimously approved by the third UN General Assembly meeting in Paris. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was approved the following day, Dec. 10, 1948, celebrated as Human Rights Day.30 Nov 2004 Aegis Trust Report: ‘Darfur: management of a genocidal crisis’ (29 Nov 2004) Aegis Trust in the United Kingdom has published a report showing that the crisis in Darfur has its roots in racism; an Arab supremacist ideology going back decades. The report analyses this information through the lens of genocide prevention rather than the perspective of human rights or conflict resolution. The genocidal threat in Darfur, and its implications for the management of the crisis, have not been recognized by many policy makers in the international community. To read a 16-page summary of the report see www.aegistrust.org/images/stories/darfursummaryreport.pdf14 Nov 2004 Global News Monitor for Nov 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
1 Nov 2004 Anniversaries during November 2004:November 9 - Kristallnacht ("the Night of Broken Glass") in Nazi Germany (November 9 & 10, 1938) an orchestrated pogrom all over the German Reich (including Austria) resulted in the murder of 91 persons, the destruction and burning of nearly a thousand synagogues, the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries.
November 15 - Genocide - A New Word. The day November 15, 2004 marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of the 1944 book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe by Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959). This book was the first place where the word "genocide" appeared in print. Raphael Lemkin coined the new word "genocide" in 1943 both as a continuation of his 1933 Madrid proposal and as part of his analysis of German occupation policies in Europe.
November 23, 1944 - 60th anniversary of Allied troops entering the Natzweiler-Struthof Concentration Camp southwest of Strasbourg, France. This was the first camp found by advancing Western Armies, but did not have the impact in the news of the liberation of camps in Germany in April 1945, such as Dachau and Buchenwald where soldiers found emaciated survivors and piles of corpses.
November 27 - Holodomor Day- the Ukrainian Famine/Genocide Remembrance Day. The Ukrainian Government and ethnic Ukrainians in North America have designated the last Saturday in November for remembrance of the artificial famine (Holodomor) in Soviet Ukraine which peaked in 1933.
For more details on these events and others , see Remembering Past Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity in 200429 Oct 2004 Global News Monitor for Oct 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
5 Oct 2004 Comoros and Sudan the newest parties to the Genocide Convention.On September 27, 2004 Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Souef Mohamed El Amine of the Republic of the Union of Comoros deposited instruments of accession to the Genocide Convention with the United Nations.
Last year on October 13, 2003 Sudan deposited instruments of accession to the Genocide Convention with the United Nations. The Convention entered into force for Sudan on 11 January 2004 in accordance with its article XIII. Reference: C.N.1204.2003.TREATIES-1 (Depositary Notification) [MSWord '.doc' file] List of parties to the Genocide Convention (UN status report) List of 50 nations NOT party to the Convention.
97 State Parties to the ICC: Burundi (Sept. 21, 2004), Liberia (Sept. 22, 2004) and Guyana (Sept. 24, 2004). During September three more States ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Established on July 1, 2002, the Court is currently investigating crimes commited after that date in Eastern DR Congo (Kinshasa) and Northern Uganda, both States which are Parties to the Statute.
21 Sept. 2004 Global News Monitor for Sept. 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
15 Sept 2004 "The Use of Propaganda in the Rwandan Genocide. A Study of RTLM".by Hege Løvdal Gulseth This 140 page thesis was part of a Master's degreee in Political Science (University of Oslo). The thesis makes a textual analysis of transcripts of RTLM broadcasts, analyzes how the radio station used different proganda techniques to create an Tutsi enemy image and places the propaganda in a historical and social context. pdf format www.digbib.uio.no/publ/statsvitenskap/2004/19095/19095.pdf doc format www.duo.uio.no/publ/statsvitenskap/ 2004/19095/HegexGulseth.doc
9 Sept. 2004 US Secretary of State Colin Powell declares: "genocide has been committed in Darfur . . . and . . . may still be occurring" (9 Sept. 2004) Read Powell's statement. Read President Bush's statement. United States Secretary of State Colin Powell declares: "genocide has been committed in Darfur . . . and . . . may still be occurring" (9 Sept. 2004) Appearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on September 9, 2004. Powell stated "When we reviewed the evidence compiled by our team, and then put it beside other information available to the State Department and widely known throughout the international community, widely reported upon by the media and by others, we concluded, I concluded, that genocide has been committed in Darfur and that the Government of Sudan and the Jingaweit bear responsibility -- and that genocide may still be occurring. Mr. Chairman, we are making copies of the evidence that our team compiled available to you and to the public today." Read Powell's statement. Read President Bush's statement. Read the State Department's Report "Documenting Atrocities in Darfur" based on 1,136 interviews with refugees in Chad. Satellite Images of Destroyed Villages in the Darfur View high-resolution satellite images of destroyed villages in the Darfur region of western Sudan.
3 Sept 2004 Global News Monitor for Aug. 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
26 July 2004 "Genocide Emergency" in Sudan 26 July 2004 For the first time in its history, the Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today declared a “genocide emergency,” saying that genocide is imminent or is actually happening in the Darfur region of Sudan. According to their website, a "genocide warning" constitutes the third and highest level on their three-level "graduated categories of urgency." "Emergency" status indicates "acts of genocide or related crimes against humanity are occurring or immediately threatened." “That threat is now becoming reality.”said Committee on Conscience Chairman Tom A. Bernstein. “We don’t use the term [ genocide] lightly." said Jerry Fowler, staff director of the Museum’s Committee on Conscience, "But the situation clearly has reached the point now where that term is appropriate. Fowler visited refugee camps in Chad in May and collected testimonies from refugees who had fled Darfur. The victims in Darfur are largely members of the Fur, Zaghawa and Masaalit ethnic groups, considered in Darfur to be “Africans.” Read the US State Department's Report "Documenting Atrocities in Darfur" based on 1,136 interviews with refugees in Chad. Satellite Images of Destroyed Villages in the Darfur View high-resolution satellite images of destroyed villages in the Darfur region of western Sudan. See also daily updates on the Darfur web log (blog) passionofthepresent.com (since April 2004), Sudan Emancipation & Preservation Network sepnet.org Also see two new websites (since July 2004) www.savedarfur.org and darfurgenocide.org
23 June 2004 Physicians for Human Rights Calls for Intervention to Save Lives in Sudan June 23, 2004 Field Team Compiles Indicators of Genocide Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has gathered compelling information indicating that a genocidal process is unfolding in Darfur, Sudan. The organization is calling for a UN-backed resolution supporting robust intervention to prevent and punish the crime of genocide and has released a report that includes specific recommendations. A PHR field team, recently returned from the Chad/Sudan border, has compiled a list of indicators of genocide based on the testimony of victims and eyewitnesses in Chad and Darfur. These indicators show an organized intent on the part of the Government of Sudan and the government-backed Janjaweed militia to effect group annihilation of non-Arab civilians in Darfur. http://www.phrusa.org/research/sudan/
15 June 2004 Global News Monitor for June 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
1 June 2004 SUDAN UPDATE - URGENT ACTION REITERATED Genocidal Assault Accelerates in Darfur Province - Please write your national leaders demanding action
15 May 2004 Global News Monitor for May 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
25 May 2004 "Sudan: Now or Never in Darfur" the International Crisis Group's May 23, 2004 report See also the Darfur web log (blog) passionofthepresent.com
5 May 200494 State Parties to the ICC. On April 16 and May 3, 2004 Burkina Faso and Congo (Brazzaville) becamd the 93rd and 94th State Parties to theRome Statute of the International Criminal Court. On July 1, 2002 the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court entered into force. List of ratifications and signatures For updated information, see: see:www.icc-cpi.int or http://www.iccnow.org
14 April 2004 European Network of Genocide Scholars [ENoGS]: Foundational Meeting, Berlin, January 13-15, 2005 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt www.hkw.de The 100th anniversary of the genocide in former German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) is an appropriate occasion for the foundation of an “European Network of Genocide Scholars” during the international conference, "Genocides: Forms, Causes, Consequences. The Namibian War (1904-1908) in Historical Perspective.” (For more details see www.hist.net/ag-genozid/namibianwar ) While genocide research has become an established academic discipline in the USA since the 1970s, its institutional recognition is still in its infancy in many European countries. Whereas in the United States conferences, journals, and publication series attest to a vibrant community of genocide scholars, such a scholarly infrastructure is less well developed in Europe. With the foundation of ENoGS we attempt to foster scholarly exchange between individuals and institutions worldwide. It will be open to researchers from all academic disciplines working on genocide and mass violence from within and outside Europe. Its focus is historical and comparative. A webpage and a discussion-list as a forum for academic announcements and discussions are planned, as well as the publication of a journal or a yearbook. We attempt to cooperate with existing organisations wherever possible. We invite all interested parties to our foundational meeting in Berlin. Please share with interested colleagues. From August on, updated information on ENoGS and its foundation will also be available on our website: ENOGS Please do not hesitate to ask for further information: Contact Dr. Juergen Zimmerer juergenzimmerer@freenet.de14 April 2004 “Why Neighbours Kill: Explaining the Breakdown of Ethnic Relations” will be held June 4-5, 2004 at University of Western Ontario at the Spencer Conference Centre. An estimated 70-90 scholars from various parts of the world are expected to attend. This is the 10th international conference organized by Western's Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Research Group. (NECRG www.ssc.uwo.ca/polysci/necrg/) For further information about the conference program and to register by May 25 on-line, please visit the Web site: http://www.WhyNeighboursKill.ca
18 Apr 2004 Upcomging Events:Copenhagen, Denmark: May 5-6, 2004, "Lessons Learned, Lessons Still to Learn: The Rwandan Genocide of 1994". Seminar in English about the Rwandan Genocide, hosted by the Department for Holocaust and Genocide Studies www.dchf.dk Speakers include Linda Melvern, Eric Markusen, Nigel Eltringham, René Lemarchand, Urusaro Alice Karekezi, Ingrid Samset and Fergus Kerrigan
New York City, USA: Remembering Rwanda - New York City 10th Anniversary Conference, May 8, 2004, 9 to 5pm, organized by the Institute for the Study of Genocide (ISG) at Union Theological Seminary, Broadway & W.121 St. (directions). Speakers include Helen Fein, Athanase Hagengimana, M.D, Alison Des Forges www.isg-iags.org/Also Washington, DC, USA: On Tuesday, May 4, 2004, 7 p.m. Samantha Power, author of A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide will speak on "Fulfilling a Responsibility to Protect: What Will It Take To End the "Age of Genocide"? at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Sponsered by the Committee on Conscience
18 Apr 2004 Support US Legislation on Cambodia Genocide Trials Twenty-nine years ago on April 17, 1975 the Khmer Rouge captured the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Pehn and the 'Killing Fields' began, resulting in the genocides of Cham Muslims, Ethnic Vietnamese and Chinese and the mass killing of many ethnic Cambodians. The crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge are widely acknowledged, but no trial has been held. Now, with the support and encouragement of the United Nations, the Cambodian Government has established a Khmer Rouge Trial Task Force but funds for a trial are still lacking. On March 25, 2004 US Congressional Representatives Juanita Millender-McDonald (Dem.)and Dana Rohrabacher (Rep.) introduced a resolution (H. Con Res. 399) urging the President to provide encouragement and support for the ratification, establishment, and financing of a tribunal for the prosecution of surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime. Congressman Tom Lantos, who is also a Holocaust Survivor, has become the first to co-sponsor the legislation. We encourage you to write your Congressperson and ask him or her to co-sponsor this important resolution. (Read the Resolution text)
The State Department's Report regarding war crimes in Sudan, due on April 21, is likely to be wholly inadequate." SRI Alert 7 Apr 2001
10 Apr 2004 Upcomging Anniversaries :
April 18-19 - Yom HaShoah marking 27 Nisan (April 19) commemorated in Israel, the United States and around the world. April 19, 1943 was the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising when about 750 ghetto fighters held off heavily- armed German police troops for nearly a month to May 16, 1943.
April 24, 1915 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day marking the the onset of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.9 Apr 2004 Upcomging Events:
"Rwanda Ten Years After" On April 20 at 7:00pm the United Nation Association - National Capital Area ( unanca.org ) hosts a speach by Fred O. Oladeinde, President of the Foundation for the Democracy in Africa (FDA www.democracy-africa.org).) commemorating the ten-year anniversary of the Rwanda genocide on Tuesday, April 20 at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs (1957 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20052). $5 for nonmembers.Los Angeles, CA, USA: On April 23 at 7:00pm Samantha Power, author of A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide will address the National Council of Churches USA ( ncccusa.org) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. The Event at Fowler Museum's Lenart Auditorium is free and open to the public, on the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles. Preceding the program, at 6 p.m., Kimberlee Acquaro's short film, Journey to Kigali, will have its premiere screening.Amsterdam, Netherlands: 18 April Filmsymposium on Rwanda together with Kriterion. organized by Centrum voor Holocaust- en Genocidestudies. Speakers include Alison des Forges, Klaas de Jonge and Filip Reijntjens. www.chgs.nlApril 17, 2004 Twenty-nine years ago on April 17, 1975 the Khmer Rouge captured the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Pehn and the 'Killing Fields' began. Support US Legislation on Cambodia Genocide Trials - See belowWashington, DC, USA: "Rwanda Ten Years After" On April 20 at 7:00pm the United Nation Association - National Capital Area ( unanca.org ) hosts a speach by Fred O. Oladeinde, President of the Foundation for the Democracy in Africa (FDA www.democracy-africa.org).) commemorating the ten-year anniversary of the Rwanda genocide on Tuesday, April 20 at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs (1957 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20052). $5 for nonmembers.Los Angeles, CA, USA: On April 23 at 7:00pm Samantha Power, author of A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide will address the National Council of Churches USA ( ncccusa.org) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide. The Event at Fowler Museum's Lenart Auditorium is free and open to the public, on the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles. Preceding the program, at 6 p.m., Kimberlee Acquaro's short film, Journey to Kigali, will have its premiere screening.14 April 2004 Kofi Annan's April 7, 2004 Action Plan to Prevent Genocide On the 10th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide In Rwanda, Annn announced his Action Plan and announced the future appointment of a Special Advisor on Genocide Prevention.
Campaign to End Genocide (CEG) May 1999- Dec. 2003) www.endgenocide.org A former initiative of the now renamed World Federalist Association (WFA, est. 1947, Wash., D.C., USA) which became Citizens for Global Solutions on Jan. 1, 2004. The nenamed organization has ceased to promote the 'Campaign to End Genocide' but maintains the website. Since 2000 the WFA has collected contributions from US Federal Government employees for the project 'Campaign to End Genocide' as part of the 'Combined Federal Campaign' (CFC) annual autumn workplace giving program. CFC lists CEG as # 2298 "Working to end genocide by establishing international mechanisms to warn of impending crisis, respond rapidly with effective peacekeeping missions, and bring the perpetrators to justice." Citizens for Global Solutions continues to raise money during the CFC under the name Campaign to End Genocide The inactive website www.endgenocide.org is still active as of April 2004, though it contains many broken hyperlinks.
Center for the Prevention of Genocide (CPG) [June 2001 to March 2004] A project of of the Improve the World International (ITW) est. 2001, Arl., VA, USA) Both ITW and the project CPG ceased activity on March 31, 2004. The CPG website remains active as an archive of the Center's past reports. www.genocideprevention.org
14 April 2004 Links for Genocide Research and Education inactive links corrected or removed.
5 April 2004 Indangamuntu 1994: Ten years ago in Rwanda this ID Card cost a woman her life Read how the Rwandan government's ethnic identity card's helped the killers to target their victims. By Jim Fussell
Already events commemorating the 10th anniversary have been held in Belgium on Feb. 21, in Paris on March 4, in Germany on March 5 to 7 and in Canada in March
5 April 2004 On April 4, 2004 voters in a non-binding referendum upheld the 12-year-old policy creating 'erased residents' (izbrisani) in Slovenia. In 1992, eight month after declaring independence from Yugoslavia, the government of Slovenia deleted some 30,000 persons from civil registries. Some call this policy 'administrative ethnic cleansing' or 'soft genocide.'
3 April 2004 Global News Monitor for April 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
3 April 2004 Support US Legislation on Cambodia Genocide Trials Read the House Concurrent Resolution 399 (March 25, 2004) Urging the President to provide encouragement and support for the ratification, establishment, and financing of a tribunal for the prosecution of surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime.
2 April 2004 HRW's Darfur in Flames: Atrocities in Western Sudan report
1 Apr 2004 Upcoming Events:
Kigali, Rwanda; On April 7, 2004 a somber march through the city is planned, followed by 10 minutes of silence at midday. Also in the afternoon the Rwanda's first genocide memorial centre will be opened and a ceremony will be held at the Amahoro national stadium. Other events include the launching of a memorial garden, an international conference and cultural events such as music, poetry, drama, films, art exhibitions.
Washington, DC, USA: Click here for seventeen Washington DC Area Events March 24 to May 31 [2 page PDF file]Fairfax, VA, USA: Remembering and Reflecting on the Rwandan Genocide April 9, 2004 10am-9pm Innovation Hall, Room 132, George Mason University. The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution's Africa Working Group is commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. Speakers include: Ambassador Zac Nsenga, Rwanda Ambassador to the United States; Ambassador Abdullah Said Osman, ICAR Diplomat-in-Residence, former OAU Asst. Secretary General; Jean-Marie Kamatali, PhD, Kroc Institute for International Peace, former Dean of Law School, National University of Rwanda; Ambassador Michael Southwick, Program Officer, US Institute for Peace, Former US Ambassador to Uganda; Former Assistant Secretary of State Howard Wolpe5 April 2004 Remember Rwanda at Noon on Wed. April 7 "We would like the whole world to hold 10 minutes of silence" says Ildephonse Karengera, Director of Rwanda's Genocide Memorial in Kigali. The UN General Assembly has designated April 7, 2004 as an "International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda." See our Resources on Genocide in Rwanda24 March 2004 See the film "Ghosts of Rwanda" by FRONTLINE, airing in the United States on PBS stations on Thursday, April 1, at 9 P.M.
24 Mar 2004 Read the Institute for the Study of Genocide (ISG) alert Government of Sudan Targets Civilians in West Sudan
4 March 2004 Global News Monitor for March 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
28 February 2004 “Today is the Day of Killing Anuaks” Crimes Against Humanity, Acts of Genocide and Ongoing Atrocities Against the Anuak People of Southwestern Ethiopia A Genocide Watch and Survivors’ Rights International Field Report 25 February 2004
26 February 2004. This day marked the 12th anniversary of the policy creating 'erased residents' (izbrisani) in Slovenia. On this day in 1992, eight month after declaring independence from Yugoslavia, the government of Slovenia deleted some 30,000 persons from it's civil registries.
24 February 2004 News articles on the Feb. 21, 2004 Lira Massacre in Northern Uganda
24 February 2004 Genocide in Guatemala Five years ago on February 25, 1999 the Commission of Historical Clarification (CEH) presented a report finding acts of genocide were committed against groups of Mayan people during 1981 and 1982 in four regions of Guatemala. On this website: Resources on Genocide in Guatemala and News Monitor on Guatemala 2001-2004
23 February 2004 Halt escalating violence in the Gambella, Ethiopia Feb, 18, 2004 Survivor’s Rights International and Genocide Watch are calling on the Ethiopian Government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, the United Nations Security Council, and the African Union to take immediate steps to halt escalating violence in the Gambella region of southwestern Ethiopia. On this website read News Monitors for Gambella Dec 2003 - February 2004 and Gambella July 2002 - November 2003
22 February 2004 February 23 marked the 60th anniversary of Chechen-Ingush Deportation Day On this day in 1944 NKVD internal security troops in the USSR deported 387,000 Chechens and 91,000 Ingushis, the total population, from their homeland in Soviet Caucasus region to Central Asia.
20 February 2004 Violent attacks on Civilian Populations in Darfur, Sudan. Read the Center for the Prevention of Genocide (CPG) report (18 Feb 2004) and the Institute for the Study of Genocide (ISG) alert "Peace Approaches for Sudan’s South, but the West Goes Up in Flames" (17 Feb 2004)10 February 2004 Genocide in the domestic laws of 70 countries on the Genocide in domestic criminal law webpage. New legal texts: Africa: Burkina Faso , Mali , South Africa ; Americas: Panama , Note on Argentina's penal code , Note on Suriname; Asia-Pacific: Cambodia , Iraq ,; Europe: Armenia , Switzerland. New texts include the recent Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal, issued December 10th, 2003
10 February 2004 Link to Web site of the Task Force for Cooperation with Foreign Legal Experts for the Preparation of the Proceedings for the Trial of Senior Khmer Rouge Leaders. Cambodian Law for prosecuting crimes committed from 1975 to 1979
15 February 2004 Genocide Massacre in Gujarat 2002: Two years ago on February 28, 2002 an orchestrated genocide massacre of Muslims began in Ahmedabad, India and quickly spread through India's western state of Gujarat The violence began one day after the February 27, 2002 burning of 59 Hindu Ker Sevak pilgrims at the Godhra train station. The anti-Muslim violence was carried out by proponents the exclusionary ideology Hindutva and was conducted with the apparent support of BJP Party leader, Narendra Modi, Chief Minister for the State Of Gujarat. On March 3, as the the killings continued and Muslim deaths reached the hundreds, Modi said, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Modi was reelected in December 2002. Bibliography on 2002 Anti-Muslim Violence in Gujarat | News Monitor for India from 2002
5 February 2004 Read David Hawk's report The Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Korea’s Prison Camps . The report was sponsored by the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK www.hrnk.org) to promote human rights in North Korea, established in Oct. 2001. "The denial of Human Rights in North Korea is a terrible injustice that can no longer be ignored" David Hawk interviewed in the Chosun Journal on February 1, 2004. Read the Genocide Convention in Korean translation
10 February The word "genocide" translated or defined in 80 languages Panjabi and Somali words added
4 February 2004 Global News Monitor for February 2004
1 February 2004 Details and news reports from the Stockholm International Forum on Preventing Genocide
28 January 2004 The Stockholm Declaration on Genocide Prevention, January 28, 2004 In this "Declaration by the Stockholm International Forum 2004" fifty-five participating governments made seven commitments in the field of genocide prevention.
27 January 2004 Selected news reports on the Stockholm International Forum
26 January 2004 Kofi Annan's Stockholm Genocide Prevention Proposals, January 26, 2004 In Stockholm, Sweden on January 26, 2004 UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan calls for parties to the Genocide Convention to establish a Genocide Prevention Committee and a UN Special Rapporteur on Genocide Prevention. Kofi Annan made these proposals at UN documents page updated and reorganized.
15 January 2004 Global News Monitor for January 2004: Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.
8 January 2004 Stockholm International Forum: "Preventing Genocide; Threats and Responsibilities" being held January 26 to 28, 2004. Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson invited representatives of 58 governments to Stockholm for the first major intergovernmental conference on genocide prevention since the UN adopted the Genocide Convention in 1948. View Forum events will be Web broadcast
7 January 2004 Remembering Past Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity in 2004 including events this month, the 25th anniversary on fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in Phnom Penh January 7, 2004 to the Vietnamese Army and Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 marking the 59th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Links to Holocaust Day events in 7 countries.
5 January 2004 April 7, 2004: The Tenth Anniversary of Genocide in Rwanda On December 23, 2003 the UN General Assembly approved a resolution recognizing the tenth anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda and designating April 7, 2004 as an "International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda."
'What's New' items added in the years 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 and 2005
15 avril 2001Halte aux crimes contre l'humanitie en tchetchenie Comités Tchétchénie en France
27 novembre 2000 La répression du crime de génocide liens avec d'autres sites et Article 137 du code pénal de la Côte d'Ivoire et La Cour pénale internationale et le Canada Webpage du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce
15 juillet 2000, Rwanda : Le Génocide qu’on aurait pu stopper Organisation de l'Unité Africaine, 7 Juillet 2000
3 mai 2000 Convention de l'ONU contre le "génocide" , Raphaël Lemkin, 1949
3 mai 2000 Le règne de l'Axe en Europe occupée, traduction le premier paragraphe de Chapitre IX: " Génocide " Raphaël Lemkin, 1944
24 avril 2000 Statut de rome de la cour pénal internationale et La Statut de Rome en 10 langues
17 janvier 2000 "Danger general (interétatique)" Raphaël Lemkin, 1933
10 Janvier 2000 "Le crime de génocide" Raphaël Lemkin, 1946
22 Septiembre 2003 Notas para la prensa del Tribunal Supremo con relación al Caso Guatemala por genocidio. www.derechos.org, TRIBUNAL SUPREMO www.poderjudicial.es/tribunalsupremo Guatemala - 25 Febrero 2003 www.iuscrim.mpg.de
15 Enero 2002 LA JURISDICCIÓN EXTRATERRITORIAL Y LA CORTE PENAL INTERNACIONAL por Alberto Luis ZUPPI y Coalición de ONGs por la Corte Penal Internacional (CCPI) www.iccnow.oeg/espanol/
24 mayo 2000 Las Reglas del Eje sobre la Europa Ocupada, Primer párrafo de Capítulo IX: " Genocide " de Raphael Lemkin " Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Mayo 2000
20 Abril 2000 Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal internacional and Estatuto de Roma en 10 lenguajes
10 Abril 2000 Articulo 138 del Codigo Penal de Bolivia e Articulo 319 del Código Penal de Paraguay
17 Enero 2000 Rafael Lemkin, 1946: Genocidio Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Agosto 1999
1 November 2000 Der Bundestag hat am Freitag für Deutschland grünes Licht zur Errichtung eines Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegeben. Das Parlament stimmte einem entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zum römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs sowie einer Änderung des Grundgesetzartikels 16 zu. Koalition für einen Internationalen Strafgerichtshof - Deutsches Komitee (CICC.DE)
13 April 2000 Römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und Römisches Statut in 7 sprachen
31 Januar 2000 Raphael Lemkin: Akte der Barbarei und des Vandalismus als delicta juris gentium, Anwaltsblatt Internationales, (Nov. 1933)
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