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Amahoro Foundation Amahoro means "Peace" Established to assist war-affected children in Rwanda and its neighbouring countries. In particular, the Amahoro Foundation works to help orphans, advance education, and relieve poverty. www.amahoro.nl AVEGA (link not working) Association des veuves du génocide Agahozo / Association of Genocide Widows. Founded in January 1995, this organization of 25,000 genocide widows, which runs the Agahozo Center (Agahozo: "the place where tears are dried.") Rape was a dliberate part of the 1994 genocide. Many survivors say they were raped in order to infect them, making the AIDS virus a slow-acting weapon of genocide. www.avega.org.rw Barakabaho Foundation The Rwanda Development Trust The Barakabaho Foundation, based in Rwanda, runs a sponsorship programme for child headed households. The Rwanda Development Trust based in Kent in England, serves as an intermediary for the Barakabaho Foundation. Benimpuhwe ("From the Heart" in Kinyarwanda), is an association of women working to rebuild their lives and their country. BENIMPUHWE, a partner organization in Rwanda of the international women's organizatin MADRE ,is constructing a new village on the scorched earth of the genocide and built 180 houses, for mostly women-headed families made homeless by massacres of 1994. CLADHO Collectif des Ligues et Associations des Droits de l'Homme. A collective of human rights organizations. Duterimbere ("Advancing Forward -- Women who work together for a better future" in the Kinyarwanda language.) Duterimbere gives individuals and women's cooperatives workingcapital loans of around US $150. Investing money in activities that use their skills, such as craftwork, sewing and baking, the women repay the loans at a low rate of interest over a period of 12 months. Ibuka (Remember), the main Rwandan genocide survivors organization International conference of genocide survivors in Rwanda November 2001 - An international conference of genocide and holocaust survivors was opened in the Rwandan capital Kigali under the theme "Rebuilding the lives of Genocide survivors" Itangazo Ryamamaza Hose Agaciro K'Umunu (UDHR, Paris, 1948) Itsembabwoko Amasezerano 1948. (article 2, 3 ) Geekcorps in the suppor tof te Gacaca Trials Geekcorps, the "Peace Corps for Geeks"has partnered with the Kigali, Rwanda firm Alphasoft. In 2001 Geekcorps ("technology vlunteeers enabling communities worldwide") joined with International Executive Service Corps (IESC, est. 1964) volunteer business experts working in developing regions. Healing through Connection and Understanding Project www.heal-reconcile-rwanda.org see also the associated new project Psychology of Peace and the Prevention of Violence (est. 2004, UMass-Amherst) Kigali Public Library Project A Project of the Rotary Club of Kigali-Virunga Turning Tools of Destruction into Tools of Knowledge Mahakama ya Kimataifa ya Watuhumiwa wa Mauaji ya Halaiki ya Rwanda (ICTR-Arusha) rukiko mpuzamahanga rwashyiriweho u Rwanda http://www.umuseso.com/ Never Again (est 2002) an international student network founded by students from Canada, Rwanda, the UK and the US at the Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution's 2001 Hague Symposium Nyamata Memorial Project Aegis Trust Office Rwandais d'Information (Rwandan National Information Office) Government website, inclusing Radio Rwadna http://www.orinfor.gov.rw/ Remember Rwanda Rwanda 10th Anniversary Memorial Project (est. 2001, Toronto, Canada) http://www.visiontv.ca/RememberRwanda Women for Women International (Wash.D.C., USA) Projects include work with genocide survivors in Rwanda www.womenforwomen.org Web site y'Urukiko Nshinjabyaha Mpuzamahanga rwagenewe u Rwanda (TPIR/ICTR- Arusha) Urukiko Mpuzamahanga rwashyizweho n'Inama ishinzwe amahoro ku isi mu cyemezo cyayo 955 ku itariki 8 Ugushyingo 1994, kugirango ruce imanza z'abantu bacyekwaho kuba barakoreye mu Rwanda ibyaha by'itsembabwoko. Umubano (co-operation) Rwandan Community Organisation in the United Kingdom established in September 1998 to respond to problems that Rwandan refugees and asylum seekers, including housing, education, legal protection, trauma, and others. www.refugeesonline.org.uk/umubano Research on the Rwandan Genocide: Rwanda Genocide Archive www.genocide94. a project of the Amahoro Foundation www.amahoro.nl Rwanda Genocide Project of the Genocide Studies Program - Yale University (est. 1998, New Haven) www.yale.edu/gsp Website includes databases of Victims and Perpetrators (preliminary beta versions ) and Satellite Maps of Rwanda Before and After the 1994 Genocide GenoDynamics, Rwanda Project (Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM), University of Maryland, USA) see also CIDCM's Minorities at Risk Project www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar Documents and Reports on the Rwandan Genocide: Carlsson Report on Rwanda 1999 (Link not working) "Report of the Independent Inquiry into United Nations actions during the 1994 Rwanda genocide" presented 15 December 1999 by Ingvar Carlsson former Swedish Prime Minister, Han Sung-Joo, former South Korea Foreign Minister (1993-94) and M. Kupolati of Nigeria, retired Nigerians lieutenant general knowledgeable on United Nations peacekeeping operations. Alternate web location (Web Genocide Documentation Centre ) This panel was appointed in May 1999 by Kofi Annan The Report finds that the UN ignored evidence that genocide was planned and had refused to act once it began. In particular the Report is critical of the Security Council's April 21, 1994 decision to reduce the strength of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) after the genocide began and highlights the role of Kofi Annan, who was head of UN peacekeeping at the time, sharply criticizing his failure to act on a January 11, 1994 warning of the risk of genocide sent by Gen. Dalliare, head of the UN peacekeepers in Rwanda. The panel recommended that the Secretary-General should initiate an "action plan to prevent genocide" in which each part of the "United Nations system, including Member States, should examine what active steps" they should take. The plan should include a "follow-up mechanism to ensure that such steps are taken." Fondation Hirondelle
- Section Kinyarwanda Hirondelle
Foundation (est. 1995, Lausanne, Switzerland) Media for Peace
and Human Dignity "Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda" joint 1999 HRW/FIDH by MacArthur Fellow Alison Des Forges, describing how the genocide was planned and how it could have been prevented by the international community.report Human Rights Watch www.hrw.org and FIDH www.fidg.org http://www.hrw.org/reports/1999/rwanda/ 1999 Evidence of Inaction : The US and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994 A National Security Archive Briefing Book dated August 20, 2001 Edited by William Ferroggiaro of the National Security Archive (est. 1985, GWUniv.)www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv Ndiaye Report on Rwanda 1993: "Report by Special Rapporteur Bacre Waly Ndiaye on his mission to Rwanda from 8 to 17 April 1993" (25 pages) presented in August 1993. Bacre Waly Ndaiye of Senegal, Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, investigated the massacres and other violations committed between 1990 and 1993. He wrote "the victims of the attacks, Tutsis in the overwhelming majority of cases, have been targeted solely because of their membership of a certain ethnic group and for no other objective reason." He warned of the potential for escalating violence including the risk of genocide (paragraph 78). Ndaiye's report was largely ignored. Rwanda : Le Génocide qu’on aurait pu stopper Organisation de l'Unité Africaine, 7 Juillet 2000 [ link not working, since OUA became the AU]] Kofi Setordji's Rwanda Genocide Monument a virtual exhibition on the Rwanda genocide by Ghanaian artist Kofi Setordji on the website of the Nertheland's Visual Museum of Contemporary African Art www.vmcaa.nl/genocide An online dictionar y http://www.harencity.nl/~harenkirambo/vocabulaire1.html Some discontinued or inactive projects: Radio Agatashya, RDC-Rwanda-Burundi Station indépendante à vocation humanitaire (1994-1996) Hirondelle Foundation (est. 1995, Lausanne, Switzerland) www.hirondelle.org On 4 August 1994 Radio Agatashya broadcast for the first time in the South-Kivu province.May 24, 1994 - Addressing the United Nations Commission of Human Rights, Philippe Dahinden, in the name of Reporters sans frontières (Reporters without borders), proposed the creation of a "free radio station (...) that will allow Rwandans to receive honest and independant information". RSF international gave its Swiss section the mandate to create a radio station that will serve humanitarian ends in fighting against the damaging effects of hate media. After 26 Months, on october 27, 1996 Radio Agatashya suspended it's broadcasts from Bukavu in the South Kivu region of Ziare.
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