Global Survey of Group Classification on National ID Cards
- - - Name and Document form: National
ID card; Year established: not known; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups : ID Cards includes religious
affiliation. Of 5 million people over 95% are Sunni Muslim. Christians,
especially in the cities of Husn and Fuheis make up 2 to 4 percent of
the population. Druze, in the cities of Azraq and Mafraq and elsewhere
number about 20,000. There are also a small number of Shiite Muslims,
and less than 800 Baha'is. Comments: Baha'i
and Druze are allowed to leave the religious affiliation line blank or
be recorded as Muslim. Source:
Kenya - - - Name and Document form: Kitambulisho, also called "kipande", National ID card. Also special cards for ethnic Somalis; Date group affiliation was added: Sept. 1996; Status: still in use. Categories and groups : Kenyans must carry a National ID card (kitambulisho) at all times. After 1996 the bearers "kabila/tribe" group has appeared on the cards, and earlier cards are no longer valid. Groups in the 30 million population include Embu, Giriama, Kalenjin (12%), Kamba (11%), Kikuyu (14%), Kisii (6%), Luhya (14%), Luo (13%), Maasai, Meru (6%), Somali, Taita, Turkana, as well as about 1% of Asians and Europeans. Ethnic Somalis must carry a second pink-colored ID card. Comments: The new national ID cards cards were introduced before the 1997 Presidential election. There have been complaints that lack of availability of ID cards in some regions has been a barrier to voting. Ethnic conflict, both in rural and urban settings, has been increasing in Kenya in since the early 1990s.
Lebanon -
- - Name and Document form: Tathkarat
al-Hawiya or Ikhraj Kayd qayd, National ID card;
Date established: 1970s; Status: partial
removal of religious affiliation in March 1997. Categories and
groups : Cards issued in the 1970s included
religious affiliation. No new cards were issued until March 1997. These
new cards do not list religious affiliation, however the cardbearer's
religious affiliation still can be determined through reading the bar
code which appears on the cards. The population of about 4.2 million includes
18 officially recognized religious groups. Moslem groups include Shiite,
Sunni, Druze, Alawites and the Ismailis. Christian groups include Maronites,
Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox (ethnic Arabs using a Greek-language liturgy),
Greek Catholics, Armenian Orthodox (Gregorians), Armenian Catholics, Syrian
Orthodox (Jacobites), Syrian Catholics, Assyrians (Nestorians), Chaldeans,
Copts, Protestants and Evangelicals. From an ethnic perspective the population
is more homogenous with 95% Arabs, 4% Armenians and 1% other.
Comments: For many decades religious
affiliation on ID Cards facilitated polarization and violence. In compliance
with the 1989 Taif Accord, the new card does not list the religion or
sect of the holder.
Categories and groups : All Macedonian residents age 18 and over must
carry an identity card (licna karta) issued by the Ministry of
Internal Affairs (Ministerstvo za Vnatresni Raboti). The card displays
the photograph, date and place of birth, and the address of the bearer.
The 1995 Law on Identity Cards 1995, article 5 (2) reads: "the names of
the persons belonging to nationalities are written also in the language
and alphabet of the nationality. The population of about 2 million includes
about 65% Macedonians are 30% Albanians. Comments: Debate on this
ID card law in February 1995 was very controversial, with ethnic Albanian
members of parliament staging a walkout.
- - - Name and Document form: NRIC;
Year established: not known; Year religious affiliation added: 1999; Status: still in use. Categories and
groups : Malaysia has long included
race (bangsa) on their ID cards. In October 1999 the government
moved to add religion (agama) to ID cards. Malaysia has ID cards
of four different colors: blue for citizens; red for permanent residents;
green for limited-stay residents; brown for ex-convicts and "political
offenders". The population is about 23 million. According to the
1991 census religious groups include: Muslim , mostly Sunni (59%), Buddhist
(18%), Christian (8%), Hindu (6%)., Confucianism, Taoism, or other religions
that originated in China (5%), traditional indigenous religion, especially
in Sarawak and Sabah (1%) and 0.5 percent other faiths, including Sikhism
and the Baha'i Faith. Comments: Adherence to Islam is
considered intrinsic to Malay ethnic identity. In April 2001, a High Court
judge rejected the application of a Malay woman Lina Joy (formerly Azlina
Jailani) who argued that she had converted to Christianity, and requested
that the term "Islam" be removed form her identity card.
Myanmar (Burma) - -
- Name and Document form: National
ID Card; Year established: not known, new format in 1990; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups : Race and religion appears
on ID Cards, but the system of classification is irregular. Ethnic groups
include Bamar, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin (Karen), Chin, Mon, Rakhine (Arkan)
and Shan as well as Chinese and Indian. Religious categories include Buddhist,
Christian, Hindu, and traditional religions. The great majority of the
country's 50 million people at least nominally follow Theravada Buddhism.
Buddhist monks, including novices, number more than 300,000 persons, about
2 percent of the male Buddhist population. There are minorities of Christians
(about 4%, Baptists, Catholics and Anglicans), Muslims (about 4% mostly
Sunni), Hindus, and practitioners of traditional Chinese and indigenous
religions. Comments: Distinctions
are also made for ancestry prior to 1823, including full citizens, associate
citizens, and naturalized citizens. In 1965 monks of the Buddhist Sangha
protested a government effort to register them and issue them ID cards.
They maintained this refusal until May 1980 when they submitted to these
- - - Name and Document form: NIC,
National ID card; Year established: National Registration Act 1973. not known; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups : In 1992
the government introduced, then withdrew, a new policy to add religious
affiliation on ID cards. Religious affiliation appears on the application
for ID cards and also on Pakistani Passports. In order to obtain a
passport, Muslims must affirm
declare that Ahmadis are non-Muslims, and specifically denounce the founder
of the Ahmadi movement.
Russia - - - Name and Document form: Identity documents, also Propiska (resident permit); Year established: 1932; Status: replaced in Sept. 1997, old documents are still valid. Categories and groups : Ethnic nationality [natsional'nost']appeared on Soviet-era ID cards [ See entry for USSR , but not the new ID Cards and passports issued after 1997. The propiska (resident permit) system with reference to ethnicity is often enforced in Russia, although formally revoked as unconstitutional. Ethnic Groups: Russian (87%), Tatar (4%), Ukrainian (3%), others (11 percent).Comments: In Article 26 the Russian Federation Constitution of 1993 states: "No one may be forced to determine or indicate his ethnic affiliation." Extreme nationalists have protested the omission of ethnicity from post-1997 ID cards. Over 30 of Russia's 89 regions have laws unconstitutionally restricting local migration or registration. The Constitutional Court declared restrictions on duration of registration at place of sojourn and floor space quotas, as well as regional restrictions unconstitutional on February 2, 1998. In response Moscow Mayor Luzhkov announced he would refuse to obey the Court's ruling. Residence registration in Russia is restricted by multiple local, regional and national regulations. Another restriction is exorbitant fees are sometimes charged for registration, especially in large urban areas. Sources: Articles by Susan Brazier; Valery Tishkov, New Russian Passports Must Silence Ethnic Rancour, 9 Dec 1997, InterPress Service.
- - - Name and Document form: Carte
d'identité, National ID card; Year established: 1933, 1962; Status: discontinued in 1996.
Categories and groups : "Ethnicity"
("Ubwoko" in Kinyarwanda and "Ethnie" in French) appeared immediately
beneath the cardbearer's photograph as the uppermost item on page two
of the Rwandan ID card. Four possible "ethnic" categories appeared
with the issuing official striking a line through all but the applicable
category, for example "Ubwoko (
Hutu , Tutsi, Twa, Naturalisé)"
. The term "Naturalisé"
applied to naturalized citizens. Because the cardbearer's name appeared
on page one, the name could not be seen together with the photograph and
ethnicity, except by turning back to the first page. Below the ethnicity
entry pages 2 and 3 of the card included entries for place of birth, date
of birth, profession, place of issue, name of spouse, signature of the
issuing official and the names and birth dates of up to 12 children. The
ethnicity item on the ID card first appeared on ID cards issued by Belgian
colonial authorities after 1933. The entry for ethnicity on ID cards was
retained after Independence in 1962. Before April 1994, about 85% of the
population were Hutu, 14% Tutsi, and less than 1% Batwa (Twa). Scholars
suggest that prior to the rigid Belgian classification system imposed
after 1926 on Rwandans through ID cards, the census and in employment
and education quotas, the Hutu and Tutsi could better have best been described
as social caste groups and not separate ethnic groups. Hutus and Tutsis
in Rwanda share a common language and religious affiliations. Physical
differences sometimes exist, but not always. Intermarriage between the
groups has always occurred with some frequency. After the genocide, new
cards were issued without the ethnic entry (new residency cards in 1995
and new National ID cards in 1996). Comments: In July 1991, NGOs strongly recommended removal of ethnicity
from ID cards. Article 16 of the
August 1993 Arusha Accords also required this action by the projected
transitional government. ID cards were used to identify Tutsi victims
for death during the 1994 genocide.
Saudi Arabia
Spain - - - Name and Document form: Special cards; Year established: not known; Status: still in use. Categories and groups : Spanish citizens of Ceuta and Melilla (Spanish enclaves in North Africa) have special identity cards issued to them. Ceuta has 70,000 residents and Melilla has 60,000 residents. Many residents, especially in Mellila, are Muslims. The primary National ID card is the Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) issued to all citizens over age 14. All foreign residents are issued a Numero Identification Extranjeros (NIE) card. Comments: Ceuta, opposite Gibraltar, and Melilla (to the east) have been Spanish possessions since 1580 and 1496 respectively. Ceuta is known as Sabta in Arabic. In 1999 Morocco asked Spain for a review of the sovereignty of the enclaves.
South Africa - - - Name and Document form: Reference books (Pass laws); Year established: 1891, 1952, 1966; Status: reformed in 1986, Apartheid regime ended in 1994. Categories and groups : The 96 page reference books, issued from 1952 to 1986 included racial categories: Black (Africans), White (Europeans); Coloured (Coloured included Malay, Griqua, Chinese, Indian, other Asiatic and "other Coloured."). These books were used to control place of work, residence and nearly every aspect of people's lives. Racial and ethnic groups now in South Africa include Black (75%), White (14%), mixed race (9%), Indian (2%). Comments: Pass laws were essential part of Apartheid policies and were a focus of ANC protest during the 1950s, including the protest on March 21, 1960 which became the Sharpeville massacre. In the 1966 the U.S. Polaroid Corporation began supplying the "ID-2 instant identification system" to the South African military and "Bantu Reference Bureau" for making ID cards. On Oct. 5, 1970 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, two African-American employees of Polaroid Corporation - a photographer named Ken Williams and a chemist named Caroline Hunter - founded a worker's movement demanding their employer terminate involvement with the Apartheid regime. Polaroid initially refused this action, justifying continuation through a widely advertised "Experiment" in "corporate responsibility" which lasted until 1974. After 1974 Polaroid secretly continued supplying equipment, but eventuality cut off all shipments to South Africa on November 21, 1977.
Lanka - - - Name and Document form:
National Identity
Card (NIC), also special ID cards for certain districts; Year established: 1972; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups : Ethnic/Religious categories
appear on the NIC issued all citizens over age 18. The Sri Lankan population
is about 18.5 million, including Sinhalese (74 percent), Tamil (18 percent),
Muslim (descendants of Moors - 7 percent), and 1% other including Burgher
(descendants of Dutch and other Europeans), Malay, Vedda. Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islam, and Christianity all are practiced in the country. Approximately
70 percent of the population are Buddhist, 15 percent are Hindu, 7 percent
are Muslim, and 8 percent are Christian. In addition to the NIC card military
authorities require various passes and documents. Comments:
Ethnic/Religious categories on
the ID cards The Sri Lankan population is about 18.5 million, including
Sinhalese (74 percent), Tamil (18 percent), Muslim (descendants of Moors
- 7 percent), and 1% other including Burgher ( descendants of Dutch and
other Europeans), Malay, Vedda. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity
all are practiced in the country. Approximately 70 percent of the population
are Buddhist, 15 percent are Hindu, 7 percent are Muslim, and 8 percent
are Christian. In addition to the NIC card military authorities require
various passes and documents. There has been ethnic conflict since the
1950s and ethnic civil war since 1983. The government uses ID cards to
profile Tamils. The Tamil rebels (mostly Hindus) expelled Muslims from
rebel held territory in early 1990s.
Syria - - - Name and Document form: Special ID cards and stamps on the regular ID card; Year established: not known; Status: still in use. Categories and groups : Special ID card policies impact Syrian Kurds and Syrian Jews. Kurds are issued special red identity cards. ID cards of Syrian Jews include the word MUSSAWI ("follower of Moses") stamped in red. Both groups have restricted rights. Ethnic Groups: Arab (90%), other, including Kurd and Armenian (10%). The Jewish population is in the hundreds. Comments: After decades of persecution during which Jews were prohibited from leaving Syria, most Jews (several thousand) emigrated in the early 1990s.
- - - Name and Document form: Nüfus Cuzdani
(Population Card), also known as Kimlik
USA (Present)
- - - Name and Document form: CDIB
cards, Year established: not known; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups: The Federal Government's
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) issues CDIB (Certificate of Degree of Indian
or Alaska Native Blood) cards to members of federally recognized Indian
tribes, certifying that an individual possesses a specific degree of Indian
blood. The card displays the bearer's name, date of birth, date of issue,
documented blood degree, names of the federally recognized tribe or tribes
from which the blood degree is derived, the base roll identified, the
issuing BIA officer's signature and title, office and address, followed
by a long statement beginning, "This CDIB is the property of the
US Government. . ." which in one part states that the card does not
constitute membership in the referenced tribes, because membership is
determined solely by those tribes. Federal regulations state that "Degree
of Indian Blood is computed from lineal ancestors of Indian blood whose
names appear on the designated base rolls of a federally recognized Indian
tribe" and "Indian means any person
of Indian or Alaska Native Blood who is a member of those tribes listed
or eligible to be listed in the Federal Register pursuant to 25 U.S.C.
479a-1(a); or any descendent of a person who was residing within its boundaries
of any Indian reservation on June 1, 1934; or any person not a member
of one of the listed or eligible tribes who possesses at least one-half
degree of Indian blood. For the purposes of these regulations, Eskimos
and other aboriginal peoples of Alaska shall be considered Indians."
Ethnic Groups in the United States include White (73%), Black (13%), Hispanic
(10%), Asian-Pacific (3%), Native American [Indian] (1%). Comment:
The cards are issued on a voluntary
basis, but are usually required before an individual can receive certain
benefits and services because many Federal laws require proof of Indian
blood for various purposes. Source:
- - - Document form:
National ID Card; Year established: 1975; Status: still in use. Categories
and groups : ID cards note ethnicity.
The government recognizes 53 ethnic groups and puts ethnicity on the cards. The
ethnic Chinese minority (1.8% of the population), called "Hoa"
and sometimes "Ngai" in the north. Comments: When
tension with China intensified in 1978, ethnic Chinese became the majority
of the "Boat People" fleeing from Vietnam. Between April and
July 1978, flight of refugees to neighboring countries peaked. A total
of 250,000 fled in this period, including 170,000 to China. More recently
ethnic hill tribe groups in the central highlands, sometimes called "Montagnards",
have found themselves in conflict with the government. Source: Charles
Benoit, "Vietnam's 'Boat People', " in David W. Elliot, ed.,
The Third Indochina Conflict, Boulder: Westview, 1981, pp. 139-162.
Group Classification
on National ID Cards
The global education project of Genocide