The Romanian Socialist Republic Penal Code, 1976 Special Part
TITLE XI: Offenses against peace and mankind
Genocid, Codul penal, Româna, Romania, Rumania, TITLUL XI - Infractiuni contra pãcii si omenirii, Codul penal al României, Bucharest, Bucuresti, timisoara,
Article 356- Genocide: The commission of any of the following acts for the purpose of completely or partially destroying a collectivity or a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group:
a) murder of the members of the collectivity or group;
b) severe injury to the physical or mental integrity of the members of the collectivity or group;
c) the act of forcing the collectivity or group to submit to conditions of existence or to treatment which cause physical harm;
d) the taking of measures to prevent births within a collectivity or group;
e) forced transfer of the minors belonging to a collectivity or group to another collectivity or group, is punishable by death and total confiscation of property, or by fifteen to twenty years' imprisonment, prohibition of the exercise of certain rights, and partial confiscation of property.
If the act is committed during wartime, the penalty is death and total confiscation of property.
An agreement for the purpose of committing the offense of genocide is punishable by five to fifteen years' imprisonment, prohibition of the exercise of certain rights, and partial confiscation of property.
Source: The penal code of the Romanian Socialist Republic / translated and with an introd. by Simone-Marie Vrabiescu Kleckner ; Codul penal (1969). English South Hackensack, N.J. : F. B. Rothman, 1976.
Legislatie Româneascã - Codul penal al României (under construction)
Prevent Genocide
1804 'S' Street, N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20009 USA
Tel. 202-483-1948, Fax 202-328-0627
Genocid, Codul penal, Româna, Romania, Rumania, TITLUL XI - Infractiuni contra pãcii si omenirii, Codul penal al României, Bucharest, Bucuresti, timisoara