Article 73 Genocide
The execution of a premeditated plan aiming at the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group directed towards its members, and combined with the following acts, such as
intentionally killing a group's members,
serious physical and psychological harm,
placement in difficult living conditions which cause physical destruction,
applying birth preventing measures, as well as the
obligatory transfer of children from one group to another,
is sentenced with no less than ten years of imprisonment, or with life imprisonment, or death penalty.
Article 74: Crimes against humanity
Killing, massacres, slavery, internal exile and deportation, as well as every act of torture or other inhuman violence committed for political, ideological, racial, ethnic and religious reasons, are sentenced with no less than fifteen years of imprisonment, or with life imprisonment, or death penalty.
Article 75: War crimes
Acts committed by different people in war time such as murder, maltreatment or deportation for slavery labor, as well as any other inhuman exploitation to the detriment of civil population or in occupied territory, the killing or maltreatment of war prisoners, the killing of hostages, destruction of private or public property, destruction of towns, commons or villages, which are not ordained from military necessity, are sentenced with no less than fifteen years of imprisonment, or life imprisonment, or death penalty.
Article 7 The applicable law on criminal acts committed by foreign citizens
The foreign citizen who commits a criminal act within the territory of the Republic of Albania responds on the basis of the criminal law of the Republic of Albania.
The criminal law of the Republic of Albania is also applicable to a foreign citizen who, outside of the Republic of Albania, commits against the interests of the Albanian state or an Albanian citizen one of the following offences:
a) crimes against humanity;
b) crimes against the Albanian independence and its constitutional order;
c) terrorism;
d) organization of prostitution, illegal manufacturing and trafficking of drugs, other narcotic substances, of weapons, nuclear substances, as well as pornographic materials;
e) hijacking airplanes or ships;
f) falsifying the Albanian state seal, Albanian currency, or Albanian bonds or stocks;
g) crimes which affect the life or health of Albanian citizens, to which the law provides for a punishment by imprisonment of five years or any other heavier punishment
Link to full text: Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania (long download of all 264 articles)
The effective date of this code is June 1, 1995. Any repealed legal acts, the effects of this code, and the way it will enter into force, shall be designated by a separate law.
an Coinbhinsiún ar Chosc agus Pionósú Choir
an Chinedhíothaithe: Tionól Ginearálta na Náisiún Aontaithe
eire, code, crime, dublin, penal, extradition,
Gaelic, Cinedhíothú, extermination, cinedhíothaithe