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Last revised
30 Oct. 2003


Upcoming Conferences

The Archaeology and Anthropology of Genocide, April 5-7, 2004 A Joint Meeting of The Inforce Foundation and The Centre for Forensic Science, Technology and Law Bournemouth University at Bournemouth University, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, UK Sessions may include: FORENSIC ARCHAEOLOGY:Approaches to unusual contexts; Application of new methodologies; Commonality of approaches FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY: New approaches; Skeletal manifestations of ‘modern’ disease processes; Anthropology of juveniles; Biomolecular applications COMMON SESSIONS: Ethical considerations; Standard operating procedures - Inforce’s protocols; Applications to mass disasters Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words to Prof. Margaret Cox, Centre for Forensic Science, Technology and Law, School of Conservation Sciences, Bournemouth University, Poole, BH12 5BB or by email to mcox@inforce.org.uk by 31st January 2004 Registration details : closing date 5th March 2004 £100 Registration fee £50 discounted fee of for full-time registered students £75 for Friends of Inforce www.inforce.org.uk/conferences.htm

International War Crimes Trials: Making A Difference?
November 6-7, 2003, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas
Are global trials following human rights catastrophes making any difference on the ground? As the number of international criminal courts has grown in the last decade, scant attention has been given to the impact of these courts on key groups in the affected societies, victims, bystanders, and political leaders. This major conference seeks to discern the value of the tribunals and provide guidance on making them more effective. Panelists include former officials of UN tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, individuals directly affected by atrocities, political scientists, a psychologist working with sexual violence victims, and an historian of such trials. The conference will bring together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners -- people who would not normally talk to each other even though they work on the same issue -- for frank, serious, and stimulating dialogue. Speakers include:

-- Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, former president, ICTY (keynote speaker)
-- Payam Akhavan, Former legal adviser, ICTY
-- Kelly Askin, Director, International Criminal Justice Institute
-- Vojin Dimitrievich, Director, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights;
-- Professor Lawrence Douglas, Amherst College
-- Professor Mark Drumbl, Washington and Lee School of Law
-- Aloys Habimana, LIPRODHOR
-- Professor Timothy Longman, Vassar College
-- Lepa Mladjenovic, Director, Autonomous Women's Center, Belgrade
-- Louise Mushikiwabo, Remembering Rwanda
-- Professor Steven Ratner, University of Texas School of Law
-- Darryl Robinson, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade
-- Marieke Wierda, International Center for Transitional Justice

The conference is free and open to the public. To register, please log
onto http://www.utexas.edu/law/conferences/warcrimes/. For questions,
contact Suzanne Hassler at 512-232-1100.

Sponsored by the University of Texas School of Law, thanks to a grant from
the Jeht Foundation.

The 10th Anniversary of the Genocide in Rwanda The Rwanda Forum: Global Response and Responsibility Place: Imperial Museum, London. Saturday 27 March 2004, 09:30—20:00.

For other 10th anniversary commemorations for the Rwandan Genocide see: Remember Rwanda Rwanda 10th Anniversary Memorial Project (est. 2001, Toronto, Canada) www.visiontv.ca/RememberRwanda

The Second International Conference on Genocide is scheduled for October 14-16, 2004 in Sacramento, California. Five years ago on October 23-24, 1998 the California State University at Sacramento (CSUS) hosted an international conference on genocide, the Proceedings of which were published as Anatomy of Genocide: State-Sponsored Mass-Killings in the 20th Century (Edwin Mellen Press)Contact CSUS Ethnic Studies Department www.csus.edu/ethn/

Past Conferences:

GENOCIDE AND THE WORLD COMMUNITY, June 7-10, 2003, Galway, Ireland The Fifth Biennial Conference of The International Association of Genocide Scholars will be held June 7-10, 2003 at the Irish Human Rights Centre  The International Association of Genocide Scholars welcomes proposals for papers and sessions dealing with a variety of related themes including: the role of "bystander" and "accomplice" states and organizations; issues of denial; the role of the mass media; children and genocide; evaluations of intervention; the role of international criminal tribunals, international law and truth commissions; after-effects for victims and their communities; and prevention strategies including early warning systems, education and other methods. Papers may be focused on events of the past, contemporary issues, or prospects for the future.

G E N E R AT I O N S  O F  G E N O C I D E
January 26-27, 2002, London (
www.wienerlibrary.co.uk )
On Britain's second National Holocaust Memorial Day, this ground-breaking conference focuses on the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and genocide in the Balkans and Rwanda.

Prevent Genocide International


Please send us your comments on our website.