Language: Czech (Cesky)
Ceska Republika - Trestni zakon, S259. Genocidium

Ceska Republika - Trestni zakon

z.c.140/1961 Sb., ve zneni z.c.360/1999 Sb. ze dne 29. listopadu 1961 Trestni zakon Federalni shromazdeni Ceske a Slovenske Republiky se usneslo na tomto zakone: CAST PRVNI Obecna cast HLAVA PRVNI Ucel zakona

HLAVA DESATA Trestne ciny proti lidskosti

S 259 Genocidium

(1) Kdo v umyslu znicit uplne nebo castecne nekterou narodni, etnickou, rasovou nebo nabozenskou skupinu

a) uvede prislusniky takove skupiny do takovych zivotnich podminek, ktere maji privodit jejich uplne nebo castecne fyzicke zniceni,

b) provede opatreni smerujici k tomu, aby se v takove skupine branilo rozeni deti,

c) nasilne prevadi deti z jedne takove skupiny do druhe, nebo

d) zpusobi prislusnikovi takove skupiny tezkou ujmu na zdravi nebo smrt, bude potrestan odnetim svobody na dvanact az patnact let nebo vyjimecnym trestem.

(2) Stejne bude potrestan, kdo se na cinu uvedenem v odstavci 1 ucastni.


Czech Republic (the) Law or Regulations: Criminal Code, as amended

Part II: Special provisions; Chapter X: Crimes Against Humanity Sect. 259 Genocide

Section 259 Genocide

(1) Whoever, with intent to annihilate, fully or partially, a national, racial or religious group,

(a) causes the members of such group to live in conditions which will lead to their complete or partial physical extinction;

(b) carries out measures designed to prevent the birth of children in such group;

(c) forcibly transfers children from one such group to another;

(d) causes severe injury to health, or death, to a member of such group, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of from twelve to fifteen years or an exceptional term of imprisonment.

(2) The same punishment shall be imposed on any person participating in an act under subsection (1).

úmluvou proti genocide a kodifikace válecných zlocinu a zlocinu proti lidskosti.


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an Coinbhinsiún ar Chosc agus Pionósú Choir an Chinedhíothaithe: Tionól Ginearálta na Náisiún Aontaithe
  eire, code, crime, dublin, penal, extradition, Gaelic, Cinedhíothú, extermination, cinedhíothaithe